


전공과목현황 안내 표
과목명 비 고
사회(복지)조사론(Social Welfare Methodology)
사회복지실천론(Social Welfare Practice)
사회복지정책론(Social Welfare Policy)
사회복지현장실습(Field Practice of Social Welfare)
사회복지행정론(Social Welfare Administration)
사회복지법제론(Social Welfare Laws)
사회복지실천기술론(Skill for Social Welfare Practice)
지역사회복지론(Community Social Work)
인간행동과 사회환경(Human Behavior and Social Environment)
사회복지개론(Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare)
노인복지론(Introduction to Social Work for the Aged)
아동복지론(Introduction to Social Work for Child)
청소년복지론(Introduction to Social Work for Adolescent)
자원봉사론(Voluntary Service)
장애인복지론(Welfare for the Disabled)
가족복지론(Family Welfare)
의료사회복지론(Social Work in Medical Care)
실습지도감독론(Supervision in Social Work)
상담심리학(Counseling Psychology)
심리검사(Psychological Testing)
사회복지마케팅(Strategic Marketing for Social Welfare)
사회복지인적자원관리(Human Resources Management for Social Welfare)
논문연구(Thesis Research Design & Writing)
장기보호(Long Term Care)
사회사업실천모델연구(Studies of Social Work Practice Models)
집단사회사업실천(Social Work With Group)
프로그램 개발 및 평가(Programs Development & Evaluation)
지역사회정신건강론(Community Mental health)
NGO와 사회복지(Social Welfare and NGOs)
노인복지정책 및 서비스(Social Welfare Policy and Program Development for the Aged)
사회복지기관관리론(Social Welfare Agency Management)